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Page history last edited by dave@layhands.com 14 years, 7 months ago

Ways of creating and using bindings


Knot-Tying Notation


Comments (2)

dave@layhands.com said

at 6:15 pm on Feb 18, 2010

Derek, what's your vision for this page? Should it have links for the different types of bindings, like on the Bindings Terms page? If so, what kind of information would be under each link?

DerekSmith said

at 7:27 pm on Feb 18, 2010

In truth Dave, I have no idea. I put it here more as a placeholder to remind us that this aspect exists and that there was a place to start to mull over alternatives should any of us have ideas that just needed capturing, especially for others to perhaps build on.

Perhaps rather than being binding specific, we might be looking for terms or verbs used in making etc. akin to Peter Suber's Knot Tying Notation: but perhaps more in line with the structure and style being used here. Do you know if Peter is still in this game? It would be wonderful if he has had time to mature his ideas and perhaps be ready to start their next phase of evolution in line with the structure that is rapidly formulating here.

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