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N_B_K_Doubled_Cord discussion

Page history last edited by dave@layhands.com 14 years, 7 months ago

This is a place for discussing the definition of the following term:  N.B.K.Doubled_Cord


N.Doubled_Cord -- A .Doubled_Cord is a length of .Cord which has been folded over ("doubled") to be used as if it's a single length of .Cord.


        A .Doubled_Cord consists of the following parts:


          .Doubled_Cord_Leg(left side) -- A .Doubled_Cord has two "legs," each of which can be specified by using the "side" parameter (e.g. "left side" or "front side" or "up side," etc.).

          .Doubled_End -- The .Tail_End of a .Doubled_Cord.  Traditionally referred to as a Bight.

          .Doubled_Cord_Curve -- When the "legs" of a .Doubled_End are separated to create a gap of any size, then the .Doubled_End is probably not being used as a .Tail_End at that point.  In this case (for consistency with other terms), the .Doubled_Cord_Curve is the part of the .Doubled_Cord which curves around BETWEEN the two "legs."  Traditionally referred to as a Bight.

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