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N_B_K_Knot_Structure discussion

Page history last edited by dave@layhands.com 14 years, 7 months ago

This is a place for discussing the definition of the following term:  N.B.K.Knot_Structure


N.Knot_Structure -- A .Knot_Structure includes the .Knot (the part which has a gripping function) plus any by-products such as the .Tail_End and .Rings and so on.  It also includes any external objects which are required for the .Knot's gripping force (as in the case of a Clove Hitch, for example).  ".Knot_Structure" is often shortened to ".Knot" for simplicity (e.g. when we say that a Bowline and a Sheet Bend are two different .Knots, but we really mean that they are two different .Knot_Structures).

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